نيران Galaxy Note 7 لم تنطفئ بعد، إذ تحول الهاتف إلى أداة للاحتفال والسخرية في الهالووين، الذي يشتهر بارتداء أكثر الملابس رعبًا، والتنكر في أبشع الأشكال:
A @SouthwestAir employee is dressed up as a Galaxy Note 7 for Halloween.
It’s on ? pic.twitter.com/Nrba1Oul0g
— Heath W. Black (@heathwblack) October 31, 2016
Yes, that kid is wearing a flaming Samsung Note 7 costume pic.twitter.com/0QU9ISDxea
— Scott Cheney-Peters (@SCheneyPeters) October 30, 2016
My Halloween Costume #GalaxyNote7 #note7 #halloween #samsung @SamsungMobile pic.twitter.com/aNLoAT7Y9G
— Jemma (@JemmaFlower) October 31, 2016
اقرأ أيضًا
الخاسرون والرابحون من كارثة Galaxy Note 7
Haha. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 burning costume pic.twitter.com/z2uYQNVRku
— Jannie Gavile (@JannieGavile) October 31, 2016
Artwork courtesy of @CandiHenry
— Jay Watson (@jay_watson) October 29, 2016
My Exploding Samsung Costume #SamsungGalaxyNote7 #HappyHalloween pic.twitter.com/E2RaUOt7Nm
— Zed Yasay (@Zed_xp) October 31, 2016
Samsung Note 7 pic.twitter.com/qn9YHyDH9E
— BestCostumeEver (@BestCostumeEver) October 31, 2016
here is my costume, i am a Samsung user pic.twitter.com/wk5UWlqIwv
— cole hersch (@ColesTwitt3r) October 30, 2016
my friend mariel went as an exploding galaxy note 7 for halloween and that wins for the year’s most specific costume pic.twitter.com/JLHBnIJMvX
— Brocktober (@brockwilbur) October 30, 2016